Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Around the Web - Journalism Through Malice

Hey, let’s see what the joyless, cat hording harpies over at Jezebel.com are worked up over right now!

Huh. That’s actual journalism there, blowing the lid of another example of collusion among leftist media sources. For previous examples, see the “JournoList” news from 2007, or the multiple instances where a new word or phrase gets “randomly” picked up by a bunch of major news organizations all at once.

But that can't be right, because normally real investigative journalism and Gawker-spawn websites go together like sauerkraut and chocolate cheesecake. There must be something else going on here. Oh, wait, here it is.

It seems Miss (Ms.?, Mr.?, whatever, I don’t care whether Harron Walker is a dude who thinks he's a chick, or a chick who thinks she's a dude) Walker’s pet issue is Trans rights, and Jesse Singal has, for whatever his other leftist virtues, been rather critical of adolescent transition, up to and including writing the cover article for the latest issue of The Atlantic. For this, Walker deems that he must be destroyed, and the secret cabal of straight, left-wing journalists exposed.

In short, it's not investigative journalism motivated by a drive to get at the truth, uncover the hidden secrets, speak truth to power, or any of those high-sounding phrases that journalists like to bandy about. It's revenge, plain and simple. You hurt me with this article, now I'm going to hurt you back. There's the Gawker pettiness I recognize.
As for me, I'll be over here with the popcorn watching this unfold. I don't have a dog in this fight, and to quote Maxim 29: "The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more, no less."

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